Code of Conduct for Students

  • The student must observe and strictly follow the disciplinary rules and regulations of the
  • The identity card with photograph a fixed and signed by Principal must be carried by the student while in the campus and must be produced on demand.
  • Student should be regular and punctual in attending classes, tutorials and assignments as per the timetable.
  • Student should have minimum 75% attendance in the classroom.
  • Students are advice to read all the notices and circulars displayed on the notice board.
  • The conduct of the student in the campus of the college as well as in their classes should be satisfactory.
  • To wear college dress code is compulsory.
  • Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited in college primacies.
  • Any kind of ragging, harassment, bullying and untoward incidents within the college campus is strictly prohibited. Any student convicted of an offence of ragging shall be dismiss from the college.
  • Student must not bring any outsiders in to the college primacies and Hostel without the prior written permission of college authorities.
  • Student must appear for all the test and examinations.
  • Student must attend national functions and various activities organised by college.
  • Students should only use the waste bins for disposing waste materials in classrooms, hostels and offices to make the college campus free from plastic and other
  • Students are prohibited from indulging in anti-institutional, anti- national, antisocial, communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the Campus and
  • All Educational tours or Industrial visits should be accompanied by the faculty members after obtaining necessary undertaking from the Parents/ Guardian of the students’ and with the written consent of the
  • Any case of criminal activity or violation of law and order in the College Campus will be reported to the
  • Spitting, smoking and throwing bits of paper in the premises should be avoided.
  • Misuse or unauthorized use of the institute premises or items of property, including computer misuse, Laboratory Equipments and Library misuse etc should lead to disciplinary & penalize action.
  • Use of plastic within the campus is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should be attentive to not to harm the reputation of the College or individual (fellow students and College staff) through social and electronic media

Rules for Parking

  1. All vehicles should be park in the parking area provided by the college.
  2. A vehicle should be properly locked and parked.
  3. Every Wednesday of every week will be No Vehicle Day.
  4. Students coming by two wheelers have to compulsorily wear Helmet.


Examinations Rules

  1. Student must appear for all Internal as well as University examination.
  2. Student must read the timetable of examination displayed on notice board carefully and check regularly the changes made in timetable if any.
  3. Student must be present in the examination hall 15 minutes before the start of examination.
  4. Student cannot enter an examination hall more than half an hour after the start of examination.
  5. Students are not allowed to carry any kind of study material, mobile phone, Smart Watch or any gadgets with them during exam.
  6. The student should obey the instructions given by supervisor in the examination hall.
  7. Student must not leave the class until all answer books are collected by the supervisor.

General Library Rules

  1. Every student entering the Library must present his/her own Identity Card as well as Library card, otherwise the use of the Library will be denied.
  2. Students are advised not to keep any personal items with their Identity Card.
  3. Readers are responsible for any damage or injury done to the reading materials or any other property of the Library, and shall be required to replace such books/property as has been damaged or injured or be required to pay the full value there of as determined by the Library Authorities.
  4. CDs or any other accompanying materials available with books may be viewed /used only in the library.
  5. Readers shall not write or mark (by underlining, putting brackets, etc.) on the reading materials.
  6. The Library property and furniture is to be handled with utmost care.
  7. Students should maintain silence in the Library.
  8. No Library material will be issued against Identity Card.
  9. Reference Material (Newspaper/Current Periodicals) will be issued but it should not be taken out of the Library.
  10. If a book is lost by a student, he/she should replace it with a new copy of the same Book to the library.
  11. The loss of Identity card should be reported immediately to the Librarian. After submitting written application. Duplicate Identity card will be issued against a fine of Rs.50/- for new Identity card.
  12. Eatables and beverages are not allowed in the library premises.
  13. Smoking, spitting, eating, loud conversation and similar objectionable practices are forbidden in or near the Library.
  14. Use of Mobile Phones is prohibited within the library premises.


Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers

  1. Every faculty members shall discharge his/her duties efficiently & effectively as per the norms laid down by the UGC & Management from time to time.
  2. Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare.
  3. The Teachers should act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work.
  4. The Teachers should disclose confidential information about individuals only when a compelling professional purpose is served or when required by law.
  5. Helping in the cause of Academic Development of the Institute.
  6. Attending to the work allotted by HOD/ Principal from time to time,
  7. The teachers should not use professional relationships with students, parents, and colleagues to private advantage.
  8. Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community service.
  9. Every faculty members shall deal impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, economic, social and physical identity.
  10. The teacher should not knowingly falsify or misrepresent records or facts relating to that teacher’s own qualifications or to other teachers’ qualifications.
  11. Maintain active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve education and profession through them.
  12. Mentoring scheme must be followed and the mentor teacher should take proper care of his group of students by guiding, motivating, counseling and monitoring their attendance and performance.
  13. The Teachers should seek to develop positive relationships with Stake holders that are characterized by professional integrity and judgment.
  14. Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the college such as Admission Process, Counseling to the students as well as assisting the conduct of college and University examinations including supervision, Invigilation and evaluation.
  15. Continuing Education Activities. Keeping abreast of new knowledge and skills and help dissemination of such knowledge through book publications seminars etc.
  16. Upgrading qualification, experience & professional career for Self-development.
  17. Respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion.
  18. Whenever a teacher intends to take leave, he should get the leave sanctioned in advance and with proper alternate arrangements made for class / lab / invigilation. In case of emergency, the HOD or the next senior faculty must be informed with appropriate alternate arrangements suggested.
  19. Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs.
  20. Te Teachers should get the feedback from students and act / adjust the teaching appropriately.
  21. Be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
  22. Make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and help and guide students without any remuneration or reward.
  23. Aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals.
  24. Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.
  25. Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment,
  26. All faculty members must refrain from any from harassment or unlawful discrimination based on existing legislative norms relating to gender/sexuality/age/marital status.


Code of Conduct for the Principal

  • To uphold and upkeep the ethos of inclusiveness in terms of imparting education in the institution.
  • To protect the collective interest of different sections of the institution so that each and all can perform freely and give their highest for the institution building.
  • The Principal should plan the budgetary provisions and go through the financial audited statements of the
  • The Principal should be fair in disciplinary action for both staff and
  • To institute, nourish and enforcing equal treatment to all the stakeholders in the College so that there remains no scope of any discriminatory and disparate practice at any level within the stretch of the College.
  • The Principal should form various college level committees which are necessary for the development of the
  • To uphold and maintain the essence of social justice for all the stakeholders irrespective of their caste, creed, race, sex, or religious identity as within the framework of Indian Constitution.
  • To create and maintain an unbiased gender-free atmosphere within the periphery of the College so that all the stakeholders enjoy equal opportunities.
  • The Principal should encourage faculty members to update  their knowledge by attending professional development programmes like seminars/workshops/conferences.
  • The Principal should provide leadership, direction and coordination within the
  • To generate and maintain required alertness among all the stakeholder of the College so that the chances of incidents of sexual harassment get ever minimized and ultimately eradicated.
  • The Principal should maintain the confidentiality of the privileged information that infringes upon another’s right  to  privacy  and  not disclose information to secure personal and financial
  • To initiate and propagate the spirit of welfare within all the sections of human resources attached directly or indirectly with the College and hence to build mutual confidence amongst them.
  • The Principal should encourage Faculty Members to author text books and publish research papers in reputed International / Indian Journals/Magazines and
  • To maintain and promote academic activities in the College.
  • The Principal should convene meetings of the authorities, bodies or committees, as and when
  • To uphold upkeep and enforce discipline in the behavioral manifestation of all the stakeholders of the institution and thus maintain campus-serenity required for academics.
  • To promote and maintain the practice of extra-curricular activities amongst the students and other human resources of the institution and thus adds to the societal dynamism simile to essence-of-life.
  • The Principal should ensure that directions issued by the management are strictly complied with or, as the case may be,
  • The Principal should forward annual performance report of all staff members of the Institute and submit it to the


Code of Administrative Staff

  • All Staff members should be punctual and discipline towards their work.
  • Every Staff members shall maintain the appropriate levels of confidentiality with respect to student and staff records and other sensitive matters.
  • Every Staff members should cooperate with students, colleagues &Authorities.
  • All staff members should maintain the image of the institute through standards of dress, general courtesy, etc.
  • All the staff members should respect for the rights and opinions of others.
  • Every staff members should follow all norms and job details assigned by the Management, Director & Authorities from time to time with full dedication.
  • All Staff members must refrain from any form of harassment or unlawful discrimination based on existing legislative norms relating to gender/sexuality/age/marital status.
  • Staff members should not use their position in the institute for private advantage or gain.

Code of Conduct for Support Staff

  1. The support staff should acquaint themselves with the College policies and adhere to them to their best ability.
  2. Each of them should perform the duties he has been assigned sincerely and diligently as well as with accountability.
  3. They should avail of leave with prior intimation to the extent possible. In case of sudden contingencies, information on their absence should be promptly forwarded to the College Authority.
  4. The support staff should not, on any account, undertake any other job within the stipulated office hours. Neither shall he engage himself in any trade or business within college premises.
  5. They should not engage in remarks or behavior that might be considered disrespectful to their non-teaching colleagues, teaching staff or students.