Department of History Profile

  • Established : 1985
  • Program offered : B.A.( History)
  • Faculty Profile&Strenth :
  • Dr. VithalKoli. M.Phil. Ph.D. Assistant Professor.
  • Experience : 01 years
  • Research Publications :

Presented Papers

02 : PUBLISHED Paper In one day National Seminar on ‘Desagati Principalities of Bombay Karnataka (1565-1947AD) with ISBN-No-978-93-5391-210-9 PUBLISHED Paper in one day National Seminar on “Challenges Confronting the Travel and Tourism Industry-Post COVID St with ISBN-No- 978-93-5419-127-5 01 Paper Published International Peer Reviewed UGC and ISSN Approved Journal with ISSN:ISSN:2349-516 2, “AWARENESS ON CONSUMER PROBLEMS, RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITIES AMONG HOMEMAKER IN HULKOTI VILLAGE GADAG DISTRICT”

Edited Books :

01 ANAVARAN ICHR Sponsored one day National Seminar on ‘Desagati Principalities of Bombay Karnataka (1565-1947AD) with ISBN-No-978-93-5391-210-9 02. AYANA PUBLISHED Books one day National Seminar on “Challenges Confronting the Travel and Toursim Industry-Post COVID St with ISBN-No- 978-93-5419-127-5
Teaching Methodology:
  • Chalk and Talk, Use Innovative Teaching Methodologies.
  • Debate
  • Demonstration
  • simulation
  • Field Visits. Project Work,
  • Theory and Practice Essay
  • Audio-Visual Aids in the teaching of History
Organized Activity by Department :
  • UGC XII Plan under the visit to Historical Place of Hampi on 24.09.2017
  • We have conducted various programmers under Heritage Club
  • We have received financial assistance from Dept. of State Archaeological Museums & Heritage, Mysore (Amount 20000.00)
  • Special Lecture program me on Indian Temple Styles & Architecture
    • Visit to Lakkundi and other Local Sites on 07.02.2019
    • Heritage walk & Temple cleaning 9.2.2019
  • ICHR Sponsored one day National Seminar on ‘Desagati Principalities of Bombay Karnataka (1565-1947AD) 04-10-2019. with ISBN-No-978-93-5391-210-9 (Amount 100000.00)
  • one day National Webinar on “Challenges Confronting the Travel and Tourism Industry- with ISBN-No- 978-93-5419-127-5 30.06.2020
Activities Extramural Organized by the Department :
Results :

Future Plan :


  • Organize National Seminars
  • Students’ Seminar on“ Heritage Management”
  • Organize workshop for the Students onLatest discoveries and Interpretations in History
  • UG Certificate Course in Tourism Industry.