Department of History
Department Establishment | 1985 | |||||||||||||||
Faculty Name | Dr.Vithal Koli. HOD. M A, M.Phil.Ph.D. Kset, Dip in Epigraphy.
Dr Ningamma. M.A Ph.D | |||||||||||||||
Teaching Experience | 5 years 2 Year | |||||||||||||||
Email-Id Mobile No | 9164645055 | |||||||||||||||
Academic Memberships | KUCHTA, PACTA, Karnataka Ithihasa Academy
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Academic Participation | Worked as Chairman, Attending the central Valuation work, Worked as NSS officer and Student Welfare Officer SC/ST, IQAC Committee member. Ø Worked as NSS Program Officer from 2021 to till date Ø Worked as Convener of Library Ø Working as Students Mentor Ø Working as Member of IQAC Ø Convener of Internal Compliance Committee Ø Secretary of Alumni Association Ø Coordinator of YRC Ø Coordinator of RRB Ø Student Welfare officer of SSP Ø Admission Committee Ø Disciplinary committee | |||||||||||||||
Names of Program/ Courses offered | B.A COURCE: History | |||||||||||||||
| B A Under Graduate Programs Revised NEP Courses I Sem: Paper 1st – History of India – Pre Historic Age to kushanas OEC -1- Introduction to Indian History- From Earliest times to 1500AD II sem: Paper 1st – History of India – From Satavanas to 1206 A.D OEC -2- Introduction to Indian History- From 1500 A.D to 1947 A.D NEP Courses III sem: Paper 1st – History of India 1206-1526 A.D Paper 2nd – History of Bombay Karnataka OEC: 3 – Freedom Movement in Karanataka – 1800-1947 AD IV sem: Paper 1st – History of India – 1526-1707 A.D Paper 2nd – Cultural History of India – From Saraswati-Indus Culture to 1206 C.E OEC: 3 – Freedom Movement in India 1885-1947 A.D
V sem: Paper 1st – History of Modern India (1761 – 1857 A.D) Paper 2nd – History of modern Europe (1789 -1878 A.D) Paper – 3rd Social reforms and National Movement of India SEC- 1- Theory – Tourism in Karnataka : Concepts and organization VI sem Paper 1st –History of Contemporary India – 1947-1991 A.D Paper 2nd – History of Modern Europe – 1800-1945 A.D Paper 3rd – history of Contemporary Karnataka (Since-1947) SEC – 2 Project
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Vision | The History Department aims to make the students aware of the past and its legacies through teaching, research and extension activities in Indian history in the context of world history. We believe that only a critical understanding of the past will enable the students to understand the present and help them look towards the future | |||||||||||||||
Mission | Transform the students into citizens who are critically informed about the past and its consequences for the present Promote studies in history, society and culture of India in general and Karnataka history in particular Empower students to hope with the challenges of globalization by instilling in them a life-long passion for learning about the past. The knowledge about the interconnections between the global, national, regional and local history will equip the students to face the challenges with confidence. | |||||||||||||||
Student Strength |
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Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise) | 30:1 | |||||||||||||||
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Faculty Research works |
Ø Researching in Karnataka Unification Movement Ø Bhudda and his damma Ø Food habits of New Generation | |||||||||||||||
Faculty Participation and Publications | Ø Presented papers in International Peer Reviewed Journals-02+02 Ø Presented papers in National Level Conferences-05+06 Ø Participated in State Level Workshop-02+02 Ø Presented papers in State Level-4+4
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Students participation (Study Visits)
| Ø Local Historical Places of Veer Narayan Temple,Gadag. Ø Visit the Historical Local places of Lakkundi, Kukunoor, Dambal, laxmeswar, Annigeri Temples & Museum. Ø Govt Archaeology Museum, Gadag. Ø Study visit to Historical Place ‘Hampi’ Ø Study visit to Historical Place ‘Badami’Ihole, Pattadakallu, 2023-24 Heritage walk | |||||||||||||||
Progression to Higher Education |
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Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops /Special Lectures organized | Ø Organized one day state level seminar on ‘Contributions of Jainism of Gadag District to Karnataka’ 03-02-2018. Ø ICHR Sponsored one day National Seminar on ‘Desagati Principalities of Bombay Karnataka (1565-1947AD)’ with ISBN-No-978-93-5391-210-9 04-10-2019 Ø one day National Webinar on “Challenges Confronting the Travel and Tourism Industry-Post COVID-19” with ISBN-No- 978-93-5419-127-5 Ø One day State Level Online Webinar on SEC Subject under Project Report Writing – NEP 2020. June-2024 | |||||||||||||||
Organized the Special Lectures |
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Certificate Courses organized by the Department | Ø Local History | |||||||||||||||
Teaching methods | v Chalk and Talk v Seminars/Conferences/Quizs. v Word Format Notes, v PPTs, v You Tube Videos. v Online Class- Google Meet and Zoom v Webinars, Google Quiz Forms v Discussion forums & groups v Sharing Notes and Messages through What’s App and Emails | |||||||||||||||
Future Plans of the Department | Ø To organize National Seminars on ‘Colonial era of Gadag District’ Ø Student’s Seminar on ‘Gadag Local history’ Ø To Create a ‘Heritage Museum’ Ø To organize workshop for the Students on Latest discoveries and Interpretations in India and Karnataka History Ø Certificate Course on Tourism Industry. Ø To organize Invited & Alumni Lectures Ø Heritage walk |
Department Activities
Year | Programs |
16-06-2022 | BA 1st sem students for Study visit to the Historical place ‘Lakkundi’ |
10-01-2023 | BA 1st sem students for Study visit to the Govt Archeology and Museum Gadag. |
05-07-2023 | Temple Cleaning at Gadag Historical Temple Veer Narayan Temple |
05-07-2023 | BA 3rd sem students for Study visit to the Govt Archeology and Museum Gadag. |
24-12-2023 | History students for Study visit to Historical Place ‘Badami ‘, ‘Pattadakallu’ |
13-01-2024 | BA 1st sem students for Study visit the Govt Archeology Museum Gadag. |
25-06-2024 | Organized one day state level webinar on ‘Intership/Project Report Writing in social sciences – Under NEP-2020’ on 18-06-2024. |
25-09-2024 | ‘Heritage Walk’ occasion of World Tourism Day, college to Gadag Veer Narayan temple |
04-10-2024 | History students for Study visit to the Historical place ‘Lakkundi’ |
Faculty Research Publications
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal |
Karnatakada Yekikrana Sandarbhadalli Dharwad Pradeshada Kannadada Stiti Gati | Dr. Vithal Koli | History | Madya Bharati-Humanities and Social Sciences | Dec-23 | ISSN: 0974-0066 | |
Karnataka Yekikirana Chaluvaliya Aarambhada Valanotagalu | Dr. Vithal Koli & Dr.Ningamma Gadag. | History | Rachana-A Peer Reviewed Journal | 01-06-2023 Vol: VIII, Issue-I | ISSN: 23950994 | |
Vasahatukaalina Hydrabad Karnatakadalli Kannadada Asmiyateya Horaatagalu | Dr. Vithal Koli & Dr.Ningamma Gadag. | History | Shodhak-A Journal of Historical Research | August 2023 Vol: 53, Issue:02, No:10 | ISSN :0302-9832 | |
Bharatiya Swatantra Horatadalli Karnatakada Mahileyara Patra | Dr. Vithal Koli & Dr.Ningamma Gadag | History | Shodhak-A Journal of Historical Research | August 2023 Vol: 53, Issue:02, No:10 | ISSN :0302-9832 | |
Karnatakada Yekirana Sandarbhadalli Dharwad | Dr. Vithal Koli | History | Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy-A National UGC Peer-Reviewed Research Journal | Jan-June 2023 Vol: XXI | ISSN: 2250-1711 | |
Karnatak aYekikaran Chalavali : samakalinate mattu savalugalu | Dr. Ningamma Gadag | History | Shodhak-A Journal of Historical Research | July-Dec 2024 No:10 | ISBN :9788194967316 | National seminar, Gulburga. |
Vasahatu Kaalin Sollapur: Jayadevitayi Ligadeyavara Kannadapara Horata | Dr. Ningamma Gadag | History | Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy-A National UGC Peer-Reviewed Research Journal | Jan-June 2023 Vol: XXI | ISSN: 2250-1711 | |
JayadeviTayi Ligade avara Shiddarameswar Purana | Dr. Ningamma Gadag | History | Kalyana Karnataka sharan sampada | Sharan Basava University Kalburgi. 2024 | ISBN :9788195845989 | |
Books | ||||||
Muktyakka | Dr. Ningamma Gadag | Literature | Kalyan Karnataka a sahitya samskruti Male | 2023 | Kalyan Karnataka Manava sampanmoola Krushi hagu sasnkrutika sangha , Kalburgi. |

Results :

Future Plan :