1. To maintain the Alumni data and Update it regularly.

2. To invite the Alumni to visit the College to interact with the students to enhance the knowledge and skills of the students.

3. To encourage them to bring industries and companies for campus placements.

4. To give an opportunity to the Alumni who are entrepreneurs to motivate the students.

5. To suggest Add On / Certificate / Diploma courses to be conducted by the
College with financial assistance from industries/commercial organisations
and well placed Alumni.

6. To conduct Alumni and Parents meet every year and select the office bearers for the Association.

7. To receive and attend to parents / guardians in the College.

8. To inform about the low attendance or poor Marks of the students, if any, to the concerned Parents.

9. To hold at least Two General Body Meetings to discuss issues regarding Students.

10. To file and submit the records to the IQAC Committee.